July 15th

Pessimism never won any battle.

~ Dwight D. Eisenhower

In the midst of difficulties, whatever their intensity, it is easy to sink into negativity and pessimism. This is a defensive reaction our brain has to change and/or danger: hit the alarm bells and withdraw, do not hope or want or need what you do not have! It is true that sometimes retreat is necessary if it is keeping you safe and alive! What is not healthy is to sink into a morass of negativity and frustration that stalls your progress. Bitterness is an emotion that only breaks down self-confidence, motivation, and even our relationships with others. A witty, cynical jab at the status quo is always funny, but a person who is always giving voice to bitter cynicism without respite creates a self-fulfilling prophecy.

You do not have to be “cheerful” all the time to be optimistic, though. Optimism is not about being happy, it is about perseverance and dedication to our goals and ideals no matter how hard the battle at hand. If we don’t have that much, at least, then what motivation do we have to engage in betting ourselves, creating positive change, and building healthy relationships? Pessimism will not win any of those battles for you.

Optimism is the force I bring to all my problems today. I will not wallow in pessimism and negativity over whatever difficulties I face. I experience them, let them go, and embrace optimism in their stead.